How to be Productive when Working from Home
- Make the most of your mornings. Though it's easy to sleep the day away when you're not tied to a schedule, force yourself to wake up at a decent time in order to get the most done when you have the most concentration. Generally, I wake up between 7:30 and 8:30 and I am not a morning person. From time to time, if i didn't sleep well or I don't feel good I allow myself to sleep until 9 but for the most part I wake up at a decent time. I do my most pressing or most tedious work first thing in the morning, so that towards the end of the day when I'm dragging I can turn my attention to things that require less attention or are more optional tasks.

- Get your distractions out of the way. Now, I may get up pretty early but I don't get started on work until a little later. I enjoy my social media and games as much or more than the average millennial and instead of turning to them throughout the day, I rationalize that getting this out of the way in the beginning of the day will make me more productive later on. I still refresh my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram throughout the day, but I've caught up with the bulk of the stories so this is a quick process.

- Switch tasks often. Doing the same thing for hours at a time is a recipe for getting distracted. I like to switch what I'm doing frequently. Even if the tasks are only marginally different, it makes a huge difference to be able to do something new. If you have to do the same thing all day, break the day up with activities like working out, doing a load of laundry, etc.
- Give into your unproductivity. I know this sounds contradictory because you're trying to be productive, but stick with me. Face it, not every day is going to be your most productive. If something comes up you're forced to deal with, the internet or a program you need is down, or you just can't focus on your work one day, it's not the end of the world. Sometimes a quick afternoon nap can leave me refreshed and refocused, but other times even that doesn't do the trick. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm just not going to get anything done today and just give up. I find that it motivates me to get more done the next day.

- Find ways to get out of the house. Being in the house all day can feel stifling, especially when you're not going anywhere that night. Running an errand, working outside, or getting a change of scenery, can do to make to feel more motivated. But I always try to schedule errands or meetings with clients in the afternoon after I have finished my pressing work.
- Work to your learning style. Not everyone works the same way. Luckily, working from home allows you to work to your specifications. Like most millennials, I am constantly being distracted. I have found that unless I watch TV while I work, I am always going to different websites. And while I can get work done while I'm watching TV, I can't get my work done when I'm on a totally different website. But my husband works from home as well and he requires no distractions what so ever. He has to find a place where it's completely silent and sometimes has to go somewhere else to find solitude.
- Stick to normal working hours. Working at home allows you to work at all hours of the day, but overworking can lead you to being burned out very quickly. By sticking to typical working hours you can maintain a sense of normalcy and it breaks up the day. That being said, if you're behind on getting what you need to for the day feel free to catch up on nights or weekends. Occasionally, I find myself feeling productive at odd hours and get a lot of work done pretty quickly.
- Make a To-Do-List. Though I rarely ever check off tasks from my list, just the act of making the list makes me aware of what I want to get accomplished for the day. Recently, I've also prioritized which tasks need to be done first or sometimes I make a "to be done by the end of the week" list. Without a boss hovering over me to get things done, my lists really keep me accountable.
- Set long-term goals for yourself. It's easy to get content with what you're currently doing when working from home. Remember that you are in charge of your own destiny and you alone have to push yourself to reach your wildest dreams. Find a role model that has done what you are trying to do. Even if you don't know them personally, you can follow them virtually and see if you can mimic what they're doing and what they did to get to where you want to be. Just seeing that what you want to do can be accomplished is motivating.
I hope these tips help you to get more done in your day. If you have tips of your own, please share them in the comments. I could sure use all the extra productivity I can get.
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